Friday 22 March 2013

Pro- ana tips and tricks

  1. I can not stress this enough. DRINK A SHIT LOAD OF WATER! Even after your full. Drink it until you feel sick, youll never want to eat.
  2. Chew mint flavoured gum when your hungry. A lot of girls like the regular mints but mint gum lasts longer.
  3. When your craving choose fruit flavoured gum.
  4. If your hungry drink a spoonful of vinegar.
  5. Try to sleep in. The earlier you wake up the quicker the cravings. Youll also be able to skip breakfast and go right to lunch and get away with it without your parents freaking out on you
  6. Do orgami. It's a ton of fun and totally a time waster, keeps your mind off of food.
  7. Never stay home alone if you have little self control. But don't go out with your friends, go with family
  8. If your always ordering the salad look for a grilled chicken breast. Really low in calories and super yummy too.

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